Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Impact of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment

   The Renaissance era was full of new ideas defying the ideas of the Catholic Church. It was during the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment that these ideas raised. The new ideas bothered and confused the people, for they did not know if what the church said was right, or if what these scientists said was right. Some of those new ideas were: Geocentric vs. Heliocentric, the mind, thoughts, and rights, and the art and music.
   Geocentric, or geocentrism, was a theory that said that the Earth was the center of the Universe and that all other things such as the Sun, stars, and other planets revolved around it. The religious nobles had told the people that this idea was true because God had chosen to make Earth the center of the Universe. This idea was later on shattered when Copernicus had committed to investigate such idea and found that this theory was incorrect. He then proposed his own theory which was called Heliocentric. This new idea states that the Sun is the center of the Universe and that all other matter such as other stars and planets revolve around it. Yet Copernicus could not explain why the planets rotated around the Sun like they did. This idea went against the Catholic Church and Copernicus was asked firmly to drop this ridiculous idea, and he did for the sake of his life (even though he kept believing in these new ideas). It was not until 1979 that the church finally accepted that they may have been wrong in condemning Copernicus and that his theory was right after all (the heliocentric theory was already accepted by this time).
   The people started thinking “if the church was wrong about the center of the Earth, then what else might they be wrong about?” People started using logic and reason to answer their questions. They started using the scientific method, which stated “if it cannot be proven, then it does not exist”. People started thinking about how they could better their lives, so they started inventing. One of the things that were invented at that time was the microscope, which was used to help cure sicknesses and make medicine. People thought of equality, and about rights. They started giving people the same rights that they deserved. They started thinking of better ways to make this the most perfect world that they possibly could.
    While all of this change was going on, the arts started changing as well. The music became what we know as classical music. Beethoven and Mozart were some of the composers that helped with this change. Literature was in prose and fictional. The artwork was influenced by the Greco-Roman art and reflected order and reason. Art took a change just like the rest of the world did and has influenced the world at its present time.
    If it wasn’t for the change that happened in the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment then we wouldn’t have all the inventions we have today. We also wouldn’t have the evolution and different genres of music. Scientists, philosophers, composers, artists, etc. in the Renaissance era have been a great addition to the change of new ideas and views in the world.

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